Identified - Meteoalarm, our external vendor for Severe Weather Advisories in the EU, is currently experiencing a service outage. While advisories are still visible on the map, the links to investigate further details are currently non-functional.
We are actively monitoring the situation and awaiting updates from the Meteoalarm team.
Dec 10, 2024 - 11:09 UTC
90 days ago
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Degraded Performance
Partial Outage
Major Outage
Major outage
Partial outage
No downtime recorded on this day.
No data exists for this day.
had a major outage.
had a partial outage.
No incidents or maintenance related to this downtime.
Resolved -
The issue with weather forecast data has been resolved, and forecast data from 12:30Z is now available. *Please note that there is a data gap for Nowcast between 08:45Z and 12:15Z in forecast time. Thank you for your patience while we worked to resolve this issue.
Dec 8, 13:24 UTC
Update -
Updated affected regions: Global, CONUS, Japan, Mexico, LatAm, Israel; Data updated for 08:00Z.
Dec 8, 11:19 UTC
Identified -
We are currently facing a delay in weather forecast data updates for the USA, with the latest forecast running approximately one hour behind schedule. Weather data in the USA may be outdated or missing in downstream systems. Our team is actively working to resolve this and will provide updates as they become available.
Dec 8, 10:30 UTC
Resolved -
This incident has been resolved.
Dec 6, 15:01 UTC
Monitoring -
Satellite precipitation data is degraded/outdated across portions of the East Pacific, the Americas, and the Atlantic. This does not include areas covered by radar - including portions of Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the Continental United States, and portions of southeast Brazil. The aforementioned areas are minimally impacted as the radar feeds remain operational.
Dec 6, 12:54 UTC
Resolved -
This incident has been resolved.
Dec 5, 15:59 UTC
Monitoring -
We are currently addressing the data issue, which is actively being mitigated to minimize any potential user impact on our products. At this time, the products on the platform and API should remain unaffected.
We are closely monitoring the situation and will provide updates as necessary. Thank you for your patience.
Dec 5, 08:49 UTC
Investigating -
Satellite precipitation data is degraded/outdated across portions of the East Pacific, the Americas, and the Atlantic. This does not include areas covered by radar - including portions of Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the Continental United States, and portions of southeast Brazil. The aforementioned areas are minimally impacted as the radar feeds remain operational.
Dec 5, 07:03 UTC
Resolved -
The updates have been deployed.
Dec 5, 15:48 UTC
Identified -
We've identified an opportunity to improve our air quality data related to wildfire impacts. Over the past 2-4 weeks, our team has been working on model improvements to provide more accurate readings during wildfire events, including both real-time and nowcast data.
Deployment ETA will be shared shortly. Please reach out to your account manager or if you have any questions.
Oct 29, 16:27 UTC
Resolved -
This incident has been resolved.
Dec 2, 20:41 UTC
Identified -
A potential interruption in the CBAM LATAM timeline has been identified toward the end of the current forecast period. We expect continuity to be restored in a few hours.
We are monitoring the situation closely and will provide updates as necessary.
Dec 2, 15:17 UTC
Resolved -
This incident has been resolved.
Dec 2, 19:14 UTC
Identified -
A delay in data from Satellite Hydronn (Meteosat-11) has impacted precipitation nowcast performance, resulting in slight degradation over Europe and Africa.
The situation is being closely monitored, and updates will be provided as more information becomes available.
Dec 2, 15:26 UTC
Resolved -
Meteoalarm updates have been fully restored. Advisories and their corresponding links are now functioning as expected.
Nov 28, 13:35 UTC
Monitoring -
Meteoalarm, our external vendor for Severe Weather Advisories in the EU, is currently experiencing a service outage. While advisories are still visible on the map, the links to investigate further details are currently non-functional.
We are actively monitoring the situation and awaiting updates from the Meteoalarm team.
Nov 28, 11:16 UTC
Resolved -
Between 13:30–16:30 UTC, All Clear Lightning alerts were not sent. This issue has now been resolved, and the alerting system is fully operational. We are monitoring closely to ensure continued stability.
Nov 27, 13:30 UTC
Resolved -
The issue affecting specific customers' flight integrations has been resolved. The flight schedule data is now back and fully visible.
We will continue to monitor the system to ensure stability.
Nov 27, 12:52 UTC
Identified -
We are currently experiencing an issue where flights scheduled for today and tomorrow are not being returned. This issue is affecting specific customers who have been notified separately. Our team is working closely with the supplier to resolve the issue and will provide updates as soon as possible.
Nov 27, 10:35 UTC