Resolved -
We have confirmation from EUMETSAT that the incident has been resolved as of this morning.
Sep 1, 14:25 UTC
Update -
We are seeing much more in the way of data completeness for Unified Precipitation over Africa, Europe (where there is no radar data), Central Asia, and the India domain. EUMETSAT has not declared the issue resolved yet, so we cannot close the incident on our end yet
Aug 31, 15:15 UTC
Identified -
We are seeing intermittent file activitiy from EUMETSAT this morning, though the incident is still ongoing. This issue is upstream of us and is still affecting the following products:
Degraded products (partial missing data)
UP-Israel (outside of the radar coverage area)
UP-Global (Africa and central Asia)
UP-India (western India missing data)
UP-Europe (missing data outside of the OPERA radar dataset
Aug 31, 12:00 UTC